Fun fact:

For me, the only thing that rivals creating visual stories is working with others to tell their own.

Sometimes that looks like streamlining a project’s casting process. Other times, it looks like providing resources for writers to strengthen their voice, or using pattern recognition to help filmmakers and their crew avoid pitfalls.

Whatever the job, it’s important to me that you and your team get the right support to tell your story.

  • "Miriam gave me pointers on character development and character relationships. She also shared valuable resources with me and gave me guidance on how to use themes to inform on dialogue. The information she gave me isn’t something you could find with an online search. It comes from her insight, training and work experience. She was instrumental in making the story-telling process less daunting for me and helped me see my progress. She also has a well-examined knowledge of different cultures and has changed the way I collaborate."

    Jahmia Phillips (they/them) | DP, Field Producer and Editor

  • "Miriam’s ability to touch on diverse topics with subtlety is her exceptional strength, and she has a unique talent for keeping the story human and grounded. I trust her artistic instincts implicitly and found her voice a great asset to my own film, 'Zero One', when we were still in the final stages of editing. I believe my film is a better one after receiving her feedback."

    Nick Neon (he/him) | Actor and Filmmaker

  • “When I decided to take my most recent script and turn it into a short film, Miriam was the only person I thought of to help me elevate the story. With her guidance, the script became so much more — a piece that really conveyed the premise I had told her when I first reached out. Once we had worked on the story together, Miriam led me through the casting process. She informed me of specific qualities to look out for during auditions when trying to find the best actor to fit my story’s narrative. I’ve known Miriam for a long time now and am constantly in awe of her professionalism, dedication to every project, and her keen eye for understanding human beings beyond the page.”

    Juliet Clare Warren (she/her) | Filmmaker

  • “When writing my own screenplay, Miriam was the first person I asked to advise on the script. She thoughtfully consulted on character development, story arc, and overall theme. At the time, she had no idea that my film ‘Isaac’ would go on to screen at several film festivals. I will certainly continue to seek Miriam’s screenwriting expertise for future productions to come.”

    Ja-Ann Wang (she/her) | Filmmaker and Sound Engineer

  • “Over the course of 2 years, I’ve written a feature length script and throughout the process I’ve sought Miriam’s feedback on multiple drafts. In that time, Miriam has demonstrated her expertise in providing story analysis, tools for character building, and crafting the right visual elements to take a script from the page to the screen. Miriam has been a guiding light in terms of helping the characters in my story find their voice. She’s developed a relationship where I feel I get the benefits of honest feedback in a safe environment that encourages authenticity.”

    Willie Westone (he/him/they) | Mgr. of Post-Production at AMC Networks, Freelance Writer and Producer

  • “Miriam has a keen attention to detail and has the ability to be both sensitive and honest in her approach to critiquing work. She gives detailed, nuanced and constructive feedback, which is always helpful when working to improve a creative work. Through her consistent work ethic, Miriam has continued to prove that she is a valuable asset to any creative team or project.”

    Gina Girodier (she/her) | Editor